A Revolutionary Struggles

A revolutionary knows

the national boundaries are made up to divide, not unite peoples

hence believes in none of that, not to raise the flags, nor to unite banners


A revolutionary feels

true service to earth is working for fellow beings, not worshipping false Gods

hence rejects the notion of imposed God, of different brands, various religions


A revolutionary affirms

the continuation of progress has nothing to do with statutory movements

hence works to make laws work for people, not let people suffer owing to laws


A revolutionary condemns

the racist, communalists, capitalistic superstructures that work out divisions

hence recalls historical assaults lest folks repeat; yet doth not manipulate tensions


A revolutionary forwards

the notion of collective workloads, to share, not to compete, to enjoy not to own

hence advocates workers’ rights to unite for strength, not be vehicles for reaction


A revolutionary minces

no words as a communist, for the mission is to work towards goals despite many an obstruction

hence realizes that struggle with fascists will continue even after the battle is half-won


A revolutionary upholds

sense of social equality even at the cost of individual liberties, for duties hold more than rights

hence propagates the messages of selfless sacrifices even to the face of content reactionary elites


A revolutionary learns

that teaching in schools are always thought control, but need to be so for the betterment

hence sides with of the oppressed in the world, not result in joys of personal advancement


A revolutionary visits

churches, mosques, temples, all religious shrines to register the torture on hapless workers

hence perceives those who built the edifices did as slaves to the Gods or Kings, not to benefit fellow sufferers


A revolutionary dedicates

life for fellow women, children, and peaceniks; for environment and peaceful co-existence

hence militarily opposes any oppression on so-called weaker sections of societies of essence


(I am) a revolutionary who experiences

time running out, for the onus lies on the revolutionary to cause revolution

there is no such time as the present which provides the most sufficient condition


- Saswat Pattanayak, Peoples' Poet

Saswat Pattanayak

Independent journalist, media educator, photographer and filmmaker. Based in New York. Always from Bhubaneswar.


Giving Back (Translated)


Happy Birthday