Biography, Communism, Culture, Philosophy, Poetry, Saswat Saswat Pattanayak Biography, Communism, Culture, Philosophy, Poetry, Saswat Saswat Pattanayak

Sahir Ludhianvi - Communist and a Poet

Sahir’s dream coincided with that of a revolutionary who is capable of imagining not just a world without borders, but also a world without prison cells – a song that is so relevant today in light of sedition charges routinely applied to silence independent thinkers of the society Sahir once had sought to liberate.

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Roots (and prospects) of Justice

Maulana Mohani was concerned that in our anticommunist quest, we were ignoring an emancipatory USSR Constitution, while heavily borrowing from colonial legacies of oppressive Constitutions of the imperialist world, and that, by doing so, we were facilitating prospects for dangerous communal violence in the coming years

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