Commentary, Feminism, Academic, Racism, Saswat Saswat Pattanayak Commentary, Feminism, Academic, Racism, Saswat Saswat Pattanayak

Weaponization of Antisemitism vs. the Legacies of Black Scholarship

Universities in the US of America used to be institutions for not just free speech, but revolutionary political speech. From the student movement that ended Vietnam War to the radical uprising (“Intifada” to use the translated term that is frightening militarist warmongers who are “grilling” university presidents today while their funded military is grilling children in Gaza) of civil rights movement across the country, to Black Panthers and freeing political prisoners movements to anti-nuclear war peacenik movements - American students have always been at the front of the struggle calling for end to militarist occupation and interventions into any and every country that the US imperialism has tried to harm. And the situation with Palestine will be no different.

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Academic, Biography, Feminism, Personal, Saswat Saswat Pattanayak Academic, Biography, Feminism, Personal, Saswat Saswat Pattanayak

Remembering the Unforgettable: Professor Katherine McAdams

Katherine C. McAdams who was an associate professor Emerita in the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland, is no more. She was my professor, philosopher, and academic guide. She had worked in public relations and reporting, and had been teaching research methods, writing and editing since 1979.

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Matter & Consciousness: Revisiting Lokayata

Lokayata did not deny the consciousness so much as it complicated it. Instead of acceding to an assumption that consciousness could be a peculiarity of the spirit, it depicted consciousness as an attribute of the body. This occurred, according to them, because whereas the material elements comprise the living body, consciousness is produced in it.

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Culture, History, Media, Philosophy, Technology, Political, Saswat, Academic Saswat Pattanayak Culture, History, Media, Philosophy, Technology, Political, Saswat, Academic Saswat Pattanayak

Lesson from Snowden: Myth of the Free Press

What is essential is to recognize what I.F. Stone used to say: that, all governments lie. All administrations resort to lies. That, international diplomacy is nothing but a systematization of lies. What is crucial is to acknowledge that individual freedom is always going to be limited so long as a state exists. That, it is not just the communist and overtly authoritarian regimes which manipulate individual rights to free speech and privacy, but the western liberal democracies have also always done so.

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The Market

One could argue that capitalism transcending all barriers and uniting us in our greed is supposed to be a good thing. After all, until this stage is reached, there would be no way to successfully combat its ills so that a higher stage of human development can be aspired for.

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Communism, Culture, Philosophy, Publication, Academic, Saswat Saswat Pattanayak Communism, Culture, Philosophy, Publication, Academic, Saswat Saswat Pattanayak

Radical Roots of Gangnam Style: Psy, Kim Jong-Un and Challenges for the Fascist Standards of Sexy

In a Eurocentric world dominated by the disturbingly unifying English language, where American narratives grip past and the present times, it is easy to wonder why a Korean wields such an influence. The answer is as easy: why not.

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Media, News, Political, Saswat, Racism, Commentary, Feminism, Academic Saswat Pattanayak Media, News, Political, Saswat, Racism, Commentary, Feminism, Academic Saswat Pattanayak

Misplaced Tears of a Militarist President, the Reactionary Pursuits of Gun Control, and Unquestioned Faith in Patriarchy Normative

The good liberals never cease to amaze. They want the wars abroad, but they don’t want the wars at home. They want other children to die, just not theirs. They want to be able to buy the guns themselves, just not allow the rest.

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On Einstein's Acceptance of Communist Russia and Rejection of Zionist Israel

Einstein was opposed to a separate Jewish state, opposed to a partition of Palestine, opposed even to an establishment of a Jewish government-in-exile, considered the Jewish underground movement a “disaster” and supported a bi-national self-government in Palestine with both Arabs and the Jews ruled with the consent of the Arabs.

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India, Pakistan :: The Way Forward

A new dialogue about India and Pakistan requires new imaginations. A federal reunification manifesto with autonomous rights to both nation-states is not as dangerous a proposal as the original partition sketch. A mutual agreement for complete disarmament between India and Pakistan is not likely to be as unfriendly a conversation as the surreptitious nature of warmongering going on for decades.

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Lucy Parsons :: Revolutionary Feminist

Parsons’ commitment to the cause of international communism often embarrassed the United States administration. FBI confiscated her library comprising over 1,500 books and progressive works soon after her accidental death – thus preventing the country of having access to her radicalism.

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Militarist Obama and Corporate Nobel: Peaceful Partnership

Nobel Peace Prize, in reality is an apologist for, and celebration of continued Eurocentric imperialism. Obama is the latest one to have been “humbled”. Amidst his militarist interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, through his announcements for larger US troops for invasions and bigger budget to feed the military-industrial complex, the Nobel committees have yet again perpetuated a reactionary definition of peace. In their world of successes and achievements, they have merely crowned their King.

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